Site-specific installation
Forte Larino, Sella Giudicarie,
by Cellar Contemporary, Trento
[...] Denis Riva has been working for a long time on the temporal dimension triggered by the contact with nature and to the fort he brings some of his last “Pastors on wool”. It is a reflection on a very ancient tradition of animal farming Eurasia and, in particular, on that of sheep, which moves on temporal space trajectories totally apart from the usual flow of everyday life thus becoming for antonomasia a metaphor for waiting. This state of observation of the natural world is also at the basis of series of drawings on paper dedicated to lake landscape and, therefore, to a water that as slowed down its flow. Of immobility, this time inert, is permated the pile of heads of wild animals that Riva puts into action evoking another atavistic practice of waiting in nature, that of hunting, a practice that can also been associated with another work: the video “L’è”, in which one can distiguish, within the succession of drawings, a cluster of heads of dogs or wolfes. [...]
Mariella Rossi